
Pinata Inks on Yupo Lesson Plan


Pinata Alcohol Inks by Jacquard on Yupo® are perfect for any age group. Watch the magic happen when the inks are applied to a non-porous surface!

Yupo® is an ideal “paper” to use with these inks. It is a synthetic paper by Legion Paper.

Other non-porous or semi-porous surfaces such as ceramics, glass, metal, plastic, foil, Claybord, leather, etc.

Pinata Inks stain, wear protective gloves and clothing and cover your surface with a plastic cover.


  • Pinata Inks - at least 6 colors
  • Pinata Clean Up Solution or alcohol
  • Yupo "paper" or other non-porous/semi-porous materials listed above
  • Masking fluid or tape
  • Rubber Gloves
  • Apron - to protect clothing
  • Optional - synthetic paint brushes, sponges, straws


  1. WEAR GLOVES! Pinata Colors will stain. Use only alcohol or Pinata Clean Up Solution to clean up the inks, water will not work. Use a plastic tarp or table cover to protect your working surface. And don't forget to protect your clothing from ink spatters or drips
  2. Drop the ink onto your surface usng the dropper bottle, don't squeeze the bottle too hard, the liquid will drop by itself. Place drops of color over other drops. The colors will take on a life of their own, so don't get to attached to a specific design. You can tip the sheet in different directions to help the inks spread and blendl Mask off areas with masking fluid or tape if you don't want the ink in a specific area or add a single dab of color onto a blank area.
  3. You can also use synthetic paint brushes for a more painterly effect. Use a sponge for texture. Use straws to blow the colors around. Wet the Yupo with alcohol or the Clean Up Solution for more flow and blended effects.
  4. AND if don't like where your piece is going, you can wipe it off with the Clean Up Solution or alcohol and start over.